RA7 Secure Voice & Data Modem for HF or V/UHF Radio

RA7 Secure Voice & Data Modem / Rack-Mount

Voice, Message, Position

The RA7 is a secure voice and data modem which can be mounted in a 19-inch rack. The modem is intended for use in control rooms and ships. The RA7 is part of the RA product family and connects to a single HF or V/UHF radio to provide secure voice, data and position services.

Internal Modem

Internal to the RA7 is the world-class RapidM embedded modem module which provides high-performance data waveforms. These waveforms ensure robust and accurate delivery of sensitive information, such as target position coordinates, even in high radio spectrum noise environments or when radio signals are extremely weak.

RA7 Secure Digital Voice

The Vocoder rate is adapted dynamically to allow optimal quality in all channels. Broadcast and private lines selective call modes are supported, as well as automatic late entry.

Usage Modes

Local User: The operator uses a handset connected to the RA7 front panel. The RA7 provides an address book to initiate private line calls or to send locally entered messages or files.
Remote User: The operator is situated away from the RA7. Audio input is via the intercom connector. The RA7 can then be operated via MessagePoint, GatePoint or TrackPoint Software.

RA7 Security

All over-the-air communications, locally stored messages and positions are encrypted. A zeroise function is provided from the keypad which erases all data and keys.

Features and Benefits

  • Digital Voice: 600, 1200 and 2400 bps Vocoder
  • Vocoder Options: TWELP*/MELPE**
  • Data: Packet Modem and ARQ
  • Security: AES-256 Encryption
  • Address Book: Selective and Broadcast Calls
  • Position Transfer: Built-In GPS Module
  • Connects to: Any HF or V/UHF Radio
  • Interoperates with RA5
  • RapidM PC Software: Extends Capability
  • Rack Mount: 19 Inch
  • Front Panel: Full Operator Interface
  • Rear Panel: Intercom and Data Interface

Functions and Applications:

  • Voice Encryption: Secure Digital Voice for Radio
  • Position Transfer: Asset Tracking over Vast Areas
  • Secure Data Modem: Used by External Laptop or PC
Contact us for pricing

Product Accessories

This product does not currently have any associated accessories.