RCSC-PCI Synchronous PCI Serial Card

The Synchronous PCI Serial Card is shipped with Windows XP and 2000-compliant setup application that installs the serial card driver and interface DLL on the user system.

A Windows XP application can then interface with the synchronous card via the API exposed by the interface DLL.

The DLL allows the user application to set and get configuration information from the synchronous card.

Allow the application to set and get management information from the synchronous card and to clear file buffers.

Read and write data to/and the card.

Features and Benefits


  • PCI v2.2
  • 1 x DE9 Male Asynchronous Port
  • 1 x DB25 Male Sync/Async Port
  • Full or Low Profile MD1 Bracket


  • Windows™ XP and 2000 Driver Software
  • Interface DLL
Contact us for pricing


Product Family

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Product Accessories

This product does not currently have any associated accessories.