TC2 HF & V/UHF Modem, ALE and SDV Module – 3G, 3, 6 kHz
The TC2 offers various HF/VHF/UHF data modems, 2G ALE and 3G ALE (STANAG 4538). The TC2 hardware can also host RapidM’s EF-256 embedded functions, which include Secure Digital Voice (SDV) and AES-256 Encryption.
The module is suitable for integration into LF, HF and V/UHF radios and other communication equipment. The TC2 is recommended for upgrading designs presently using the TC4 module for lower power consumption or digital voice.
For V/UHF operation the maximum data rate is 128000 bps in a 24 kHz audio channel.
The operation of the TC2 is determined by the selection of one of the following software packs:
- M1: LF and HF Modem (incl. ISB, up to 19200 bps & 110C 6 kHz up to 32000 bps)
- M2: HF Modem (SSB, Up to 9600 bps)
- M3: HF Modem (SSB, broadcast, Up to 2400 bps)
- M4: HF Modem (SSB, S4539, Up to 9600 bps)
- L1: V/UHF Modem (24 kHz, Up to 128000 bps)
- L2: V/UHF Modem (12 kHz, Up to 64000 bps)
- L3: V/UHF Modem (6 kHz, Up to 32000 bps)
- L4: V/UHF Modem (3 kHz, Up to 16000 bps)
The following software options are also available:
- 2G ALE Controller Software Option
- STANAG 4538 (3G ALE) Modem Option
- Digital Voice (2400 bps)
- 56-bit Encryption (Digital Voice and Data)
Features and Benefits
TC2 Module Platform:
- Low Power Consumption (600 mW typical)
- Very Compact Size: 22 x 33 x 3.5 mm
- Easy System Integration
- LF, HF and V/UHF Radio Compatibility
- Analogue or Digital Radio Audio Interface
- Radio Control for ALE Channel Scanning
- Standardised Remote Control Protocol (RIPC/RAP1)
- SSB Data: 9600 bps (3kHz)
- ISB Data: 19200 bps (2 x 3kHz)
- MIL-STD 110C Modes: 32000 bps (6kHz)
- Broadcast and Ship-Shore (BRASS) Compatible
- TC4 Evaluation Kit
V/UHF Modem Software Packs (L1 – L4)
- Wideband up to 128000 bps (coded) in a 3 kHz
- Narrowband up to 16000 bps (coded) in a 3 kHz
- High Data Rate (HDR) Modem
- External ARQ Interface (e.g. S 5066)
2G ALE Controller Software Option
- MIL-STD-188-141B App A
- FED-STD 1045
- Occupancy Detection
- MIL-STD-188-141B App B
- FED-STD 1049 Linking Protection
STANAG 4538 (3G ALE) Modem Software Option
- 3G Link Setup (Fast Link Setup) (FLSU)
- Data Transmitted as Packets
- LDL and HDL Data Link Protocol (ARQ)
- Circuit Link Controller (CLC)
- Linking Protection
- Occupancy Detection
56-bit Encryption and 2400 Vocoder Software Options
- Encrypted Voice and Data Communication
- MELPe Voice Coding (US Customers Only)
- TWELP Voice Coding by DSP Innovations Inc. (
- Improved Voice Quality in Noisy Channels
- See also: EF-256 Embedded Functions for Secure Voice and Data
Contact us for pricing
Product Accessories
This product does not currently have any associated accessories.